First you got to define your type of filter - compare with a value or checking whether a field occurs in Dynamics (meaning that this field has a value in Dynamics).
Based on the selection you get the "Field to compare" or "Field to check", which gives the same input field. This input field together with the icon opens up an additional modal where you can select your entity from Dynamics, together with the record and field of choice you want to compare or check. if you click on Select, this will go back to the filter modal and has inputted the field in the input field.After choosing the field, you need to specify what format it is. The options are: text, date (date, time and datetime), number and boolean.
Depending on the type, you have different comparisons to choose from:Text: contains, contains not, equal to, not equal to, is blank, is not blank. These are all case-insensitive.
Number: between, not between, equal to, not equal to, greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, less than or equal to.
Date: between, not between, equal to, not equal to, after, before.
Boolean: is false, is true.
Finally, you need to choose the value (or values, if you choose between or not between). You can simply type it in (in the case of text or number), or you can use one of the following options by clicking the corresponding button:
Field: when you want to refer to the value of a certain field. This is the same modal that pops up as before "Select a field"
Time: when you want to input a time. (timepicker and based on selected locale in Account Settings)
Date: when you want to input a date or a datetime. (date picker) SELECT A FIELD
The modal select a field is very similar as the one to add a reference and appears if you need to select a field to use in a filter, so on top of the filter modal.
You select your entity first, and then your record. What is added is that you don't want to select a record but use the one that is defined in your loop, to use that context you want to filter on.
After you selected your record, you can choose which field to use to apply your filter on. This can only be one field and does not support multi-select.
If you ticked "get context from loop above", you cannot select a record anymore and there are also no values in the fieldtable, since there is no record selected. You still need to select the field you want to apply the filter on of course.
If you finalize your filter, this is added in the html-editor on cursor place and is between a filter tag. Filters can contain references and static text, and can be placed outside or inside a loop or any element you want to display or not.